Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Miss Jaycie
Tuesday, Thursday: Miss Lou


We've been working on our colors, doing some painting, playing with cool toys, and getting to know our class even better!

Early September

We started using carpool--it's been fun!  We have lots of helpers to make it easier!

We've been working on some fun arts and crafts projects, playing with our classroom toys (and learning to clean them up!) and making new friends! 

We love going out on the playground!  Miss Lisa gave us all a ride on the firetruck--we tried to make it shake by ourselves, but we haven't learned how to do that yet.  We also had a lot of fun on the riding toys and the rest of the playground! 

We enjoy our snack every day, but it's especially fun when we have a special birthday snack! 

Our First Week of School!

There were a few tears...but a lot of smiles as we met new friends, played with new toys, painted, chased bubbles and did lots of other fun stuff!