Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Miss Jaycie
Tuesday, Thursday: Miss Lou

It's Almost the End of April!

We've had a lot going on in our classroom as we get closer and closer to the end of the school year.  We're finishing up projects, trying new things, and having fun!

Working a puzle
Singing and dancing!
Handprint art

Fine-motor skills

Mother's Day surprise

Lots of fun on the rug

Special healthy snack


This is delicious!
Practicing for our Mother's Day program

We can't wait for our mommies to see us!

Happy Easter!

We had a great time at our Easter party!  We loved hunting for Easter eggs!


Early April

We've been enjoying our wonderful spring weather and working on lots of projects!

Looking for letters and numbers on our blocks
Dramatic play with our barnyard set
Lots of conversation at this dramatic play center!
Practicing our fine motor skills

First we painted with shaving cream, then Miss Lisa helped us scrape it off!
Helping Miss Lou