Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Miss Jaycie
Tuesday, Thursday: Miss Lou

Enjoy Your Summer!

We'll miss you!

Happy Mother's Day!

We practiced a lot, and it was worth it!
I wish I had a little red box to put my mommy in
I'd take her out and (kiss, kiss, kiss) and put her back again! 
I wish I had a little red box to put my mommy in
I'd take her out and (hug, hug, hug) and put her back again! 
I wish I had a little red box to put my mommy in
I'd take her out, say "I love you!" and put her back again!

Water Day!

We had perfect weather for our Water Day fun!  
We splashed, chased bubbles, and drew on the sidewalk!  

Week of April 25

Two of our favorite times of the day: snack time and playground!

We have gotten really good at stacking our big LEGOS.  We build all the way up and then watch them fall!

We learned a little about dinosaurs this week.  We matched our toy dinosaurs to Miss Lisa's poster, colored some dino pictures, and played with dinosaurs all around the room!

We also had tons of fun with our friends and our classroom toys!